Newly Diagnosed
Breast Cancer Treatment Handbook
10th Edition
Over 30 Years of Publication
Over 800,000 Copies In Use
Breast Cancer Support Partner Handbook
10th Edition
Over 27 Years of Publication
"Nothing in life prepared me for this event," shared a newly diagnosed patient. For the majority of women, breast cancer is something they knew little about. Oh, yes, everyone knows someone who has been diagnosed, but a personal diagnosis is quite different. It requires action to be taken and all of your life be put on hold while you address the problems breast cancer brings. For the next few months, much of your energy and attention will be directed toward what you need to know and what you need to do next. This unexpected challenge, with all of its urgency to take action, causes a great deal of stress.
Mastering the task of breast cancer treatment management begins by knowing what you need to do and the order that it needs to be done. Because many decisions have to be made in a short period of time after a diagnosis, the Breast Cancer Treatment Handbook is written as a quick tutor for your guidance. The handbook offers step-by-step explanations of the decisions that you will have to make.
Each major decision about breast cancer, surgery, reconstruction and treatment is explained thoroughly. There are answers to the "why," "what" and "how" questions with graphic illustrations to clarify, along with lists of questions you can ask your healthcare provider for further explanation about your care. A complete breast cancer glossary provides a quick reference to find the exact meaning of commonly used medical terms. Tear-out worksheets in the back of the book allow you to keep records of your care, customize your records and plan for the future.
Tips on managing the side effects of treatment and maximizing recovery with diet and exercise are included. The seldom talked about topics of sexuality, fertility, depression and anxiety are discussed. The mysteries of what you need to know, do, and ask are made simple and clear, empowering you to become an active partner in decision-making with your healthcare team.
For your encouragement, each chapter contains "Voices of Experience", the words of other breast cancer patients who have gone through the same decisions you are now facing. Sprinkled throughout the book are inspirational thoughts to encourage you as you progress down your road to recovery.
Though this time seems overwhelming with all the tasks ahead, the Breast Cancer Treatment Handbook is a guide that will help you find the best way to manage your experience. This book does not give medical advice, but will help you understand the suggestions your healthcare team makes and help you plan how you can best manage your self-care.
You don't have to go through breast cancer treatment alone, trying to figure out what you need to do. The Breast Cancer Treatment Handbook is your recovery guide. Take a look inside and start your journey to recovery. Join the over 680,000 women who have used this book as their guide to regaining control after a breast cancer diagnosis.